八蚌三年學修教程『開啟內在之佛』Palpung 3-year study and practice programme "Discovering the Buddha Within"
Tue, Dec 19
|Palpung Choeying Kajang
第一階: 內心寧靜 Level 1: Inner Peace 报名费:RM600.00 (出家僧众免费) Registration Fee: RM600.00 (Monastics are exempt) 教程有進階學修次第,參加今年的2023年第一階,明年才能報名2024年第二階,依此類推。 The curriculum follows an advanced learning sequence. Participants can attend the first level in 2023, and only then can they register for the second
Time & Location 时间 地点
Dec 19, 2023, 9:00 AM – Dec 22, 2023, 9:00 PM
Palpung Choeying Kajang
About The Event 活动详情
*此课程仅提供于非穆斯林 This course is strictly available for only non-muslim
Discovering the Buddha Within is an experiential learning program of the Buddha Dharma created as part of the vast vision of Guru Vajradhara His Holiness the 12th Chamgon Kenting Tai Situpa.
The aim of this curriculum is to explain the essence of the Buddha's teachings in an easy and understandable yet comprehensive way. The Buddha Shakyamuni has shown the nature of beings' mind and phenomena on three different levels, each consecutive level being deeper and wider than the former one.
The main masters who will teach the Discovering the Buddha Within curriculum are His Eminence Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche and senior khenpos of Palpung Sherabling Moastic Seat.