Empowerments & Teachings by H.E Chungpo Gyalton Rinpoche 灌顶与开示
Fri, Mar 22

Time & Location 时间 地点
Mar 22, 2024, 10:00 AM – Mar 24, 2024, 4:00 PM
Kajang, Lot 7426, Jalan Bukit Mewah, Taman Bukit Mewah, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia
About The Event 活动详情
22-03-2024 (Friday) @ 10:00AM - 4:00PM
- Dzambhala Empowerment & Teaching 财神灌顶和开示
- Medicine Buddha & Dzambhala Puja 药师佛与财神共修
23-03-2024 (Saturday) @ 8:00AM - 6:00PM
- NyengNe Practice and Introduction 八关斋修持与介绍
24-03-2024 (Sunday) @ 10:00AM - 4:00PM
- Guru Rinpoche Empowerment & Teaching 莲师灌顶和开示
- Konchog Chidu Puja 莲师三宝总摄荟供
Registration Due Date 报名截止日期 : 17-03-2024
Fees 课程费用 : Free or Donation at will 免费或随喜捐款
- Strictly available for individuals who are non-Muslim and aged 18 or above 仅限18岁及以上的非穆斯林人士
- This programme will be taught in English and Mandarin 此课程将以两种语言授课:英语和中文
- Complimentary Vegetarian lunch will be provided 提供免费素食午餐
- It is respectful to dress modestly, kindly avoid shorts, short skirts and revealing tops 尊重他人的同时,请适度着装,避免穿着短裤、短裙和暴露的上衣
- If there is any enquiry please contact如有任何疑问请联络 : palpungmsia@gmail.com / TJ NG +6012-201 5901 / Irene Teh +6012-211 7178